Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a significant surgical procedure designed to eliminate surplus skin and fat while tightening abdominal muscles to achieve a flatter abdomen.

Defining Abdominoplasty

This cosmetic surgery targets excess fat, skin, and muscle laxity in the abdominal region, offering a more contoured appearance.

Ideal Candidates for Abdominoplasty

Suitable candidates, regardless of gender, should be in good overall health, maintain stable body weight, and refrain from smoking. It’s crucial not to view this procedure as a substitute for weight loss.

Situations to Avoid Abdominoplasty

Postponing a tummy tuck is advisable if planning future pregnancies or anticipating significant weight loss, as these factors can impact the lasting results of the surgery. Additionally, scarring on the abdomen should be considered, varying in length based on excess skin.

Procedure Insights

The surgical process can span one to five hours, performed as an outpatient procedure or with an overnight stay if traveling for the operation. Abdominoplasty techniques vary:


  • Complete abdominoplasty: Addresses extensive corrections, involving incisions along the bikini line and around the navel. Drainage tubes might be used.
  • Partial or mini-abdominoplasty: Involves shorter incisions and is suitable for individuals with less surplus skin. Belly button repositioning might not be necessary.
  • Circumferential abdominoplasty: Targets excess fat in the back and abdomen, enhancing body contours.

Preparation for Surgery

Preparation includes ceasing smoking, ensuring a balanced diet, and following pre-operative instructions on medication adjustments. Setting up a comfortable recovery area at home is essential.

Risks and Complications

Post-surgery, patients can expect pain, swelling, soreness, numbness, and bruising. Complications, though rare, might include scarring, bleeding, infection, seroma, or changes in sensation.

Recovery and Long-Term Outcome

Patients may feel discomfort and tiredness for several weeks post-surgery. Maintaining a proper diet and exercise regimen is crucial for preserving the surgery’s results.

Insurance Coverage

Generally, elective cosmetic surgeries aren’t covered by insurance. However, specific situations, such as hernia correction or post-weight loss surgery, might receive partial coverage. Communicating with the insurance provider early on is recommended.