Vascular Treatment
Sclerotherapy is the most commonly used method for treating unwanted varicose veins and vascular blemishes. Vascular blemishes, blue veins, and varicose veins are seen throughout the body, but predominantly appear on the legs. They may present symptoms such as swelling, discoloration, and pain in the legs.
How Does It Work?
Sclerotherapy, when injected into the vein, causes it to constrict and close. It’s a non-surgical treatment technique using chemical solutions that don’t harm the body.
Pre-application Considerations
If varicose veins are present on the legs, a ‘Color Doppler Ultrasound’ examination should be conducted before the application. Additionally, the use of blood-thinning medications like aspirin should be discontinued at least one week before.
How Is It Administered?
Administered by a plastic surgeon through very fine needles after regional anesthesia, sometimes without it, the medication is introduced into the vein. Multiple veins can be treated in one session, but typically, 4-6 sessions per week might be necessary based on the number of veins. Though bandaging for three days post-treatment is sufficient, ideally, compression stockings should be worn. The success rate of the treatment is around 75%, and complete elimination of varicose veins, especially in advanced cases, may not be achievable.
Is the Procedure Painful?
Generally, mild discomfort might be felt during the procedure. Subsequently, a slight burning sensation might occur.
What Are the Possible Side Effects?
Spontaneously resolving redness and swelling post-application are the most commonly observed side effects. If there’s leg pain, it can be managed with pain relievers. Additionally, changes in color, wounds in the treated vein, rare allergic reactions, and extremely rare instances of blockage can occur.