For many women, feeling confident, vibrant, and energetic is closely related to looking good. Thousands of women have achieved this confidence and personal satisfaction by choosing to enhance their breasts. Following the procedures, many women have experienced a transformation in how they perceive themselves and their bodies.


Women have various reasons for choosing breast augmentation. Some of these reasons include:


  • Increasing breast size to make their bodies more proportionate.
  • Reshaping and enlarging breasts that have changed shape due to breastfeeding.
  • Balancing breasts that differ in size and shape.


Your reasons are highly personal, and decisions about breast augmentation should be made by you and your doctor based on your personal needs, desires, and expectations.


Today, there are many options available for women who have decided that breast augmentation is right for them. This brochure is designed to help you gain more information about breast augmentation and all the available options. It is not intended to replace the communication and discussions between you and your doctor.

Breast Anatomy

The breast is composed of fat, glandular, and fibrous tissues. It contains blood vessels, milk ducts, fats, glands, and sensory nerves. Beneath the breast, there’s a large muscle called the pectoralis major, aiding in arm movement.

Incision Options

Breast augmentation is typically performed using one of three common incision areas: around the nipple (periareolar), in the breast crease (inframammary), or under the armpit (transaxillary).


Periareolar: This incision is the least visible. However, it may interfere with breastfeeding.

Inframammary: This incision is popular as it’s concealed in the breast crease.

Transaxillary: This incision is less discreet, but it might be the best choice for women desiring less visible scarring on their breasts.


Your doctor will explain each incision option to help you make the right decision.

Placement Options

During breast augmentation, implants are placed either beneath the chest muscle (submuscular) or on top of the muscle and under the breast gland (subglandular).


  • Submuscular placement

Reduces the chance of feeling the implants under the skin and may aid in preventing hardening of the scar tissue around the implants. Also, it facilitates the visualization of your breasts during a mammogram. Possible drawbacks of this placement option may include a longer operation and recovery time.


  • Subglandular placement

Leads to a shorter surgery and a quicker recovery. However, a potential drawback is that the edges of the implants may be more visible under the skin. When implants are placed under the breast, imaging during a mammogram might be more challenging.


Your doctor can discuss how these two placement options relate to your individual needs so you can decide which option is right for you.

Types of Breast Implants

For the past 20 years, Mentor has been recognized as a leading manufacturer of high-quality breast implants worldwide. Our rich history is filled with industry firsts, innovative product design, and groundbreaking research. While other manufacturers come and go, Mentor has consistently developed technologically advanced breast augmentation products that meet or exceed stringent quality and testing standards.


There are two primary types of breast implants:


  1. Silicone Gel-Filled Breast Implants
  2. Saline-Filled Breast Implants

Silicone Gel-Filled Breast Implants

Mentor uses cohesive, safe, and aesthetically pleasing gels in all gel implants. We offer three levels of cohesiveness in filling materials:


  • Cohesive 1, the softest-feeling gel.
  • Cohesive 2, slightly firmer.
  • Cohesive 3, Mentor’s firmest gel.
  • Contour profile gel, filled with the most cohesive gel to maintain a natural shape.

Saline-Filled Breast Implants

Saline-filled breast implants are filled with a saltwater solution resembling the majority of the human body’s fluid. For many women, the most challenging part of implant selection is deciding on the desired breast size. Mentor’s round and Contour Profile Spectrum implants are single, saline-filled implants with a removable filling tube. Your doctor can adjust the size of your implants by adding or removing saline using this filling tube for up to six months after the procedure.

Implant Shapes

Depending on the breast shape you aim to achieve, your doctor and you can choose between round or contoured implants. Contoured implants have a shape resembling a drop and can provide patients with more natural-looking breasts. Mentor breast implants come in various projection grades: moderate, moderate plus, and high. High-profile implants are an excellent choice for women wanting significant projection and having a narrow chest wall.

Implant Surfaces

Breast implant surfaces can be smooth or textured. Smooth-surfaced implants have a slightly softer shell and are less likely to be palpable. Mentor’s textured-surfaced implants are called Siltex.

Options for Everyone

Here, you can see photos and names of all Mentor’s breast implant products. Your doctor can explain their different features and benefits and discuss which type of implant may be right for you.

Your Surgery

Breast augmentation procedures are generally performed in a hospital room or surgery center. You can typically return home the same day as your surgery. Generally, general anesthesia is used, so you’ll be asleep during the procedure.


The surgery typically lasts from one to two hours. Your doctor makes an incision and creates a pocket where the breast implant will be placed. Once the implant is appropriately positioned, the incision is closed with stitches.


To achieve the best results and expedite your recovery as much as possible, your surgeon will describe the surgical technique that best fits your individual needs.

Your Recovery

Every woman’s recovery process is different. Generally, there will be some discomfort for a few days after breast augmentation surgery. The first 24 to 72 hours following the procedure will likely be the most uncomfortable period. Your breasts will be swollen and highly sensitive. Although every woman’s recovery is different, you’ll likely be able to engage in light activities after about a week.


Wearing a post-surgical bra or special compression garment is often a part of a significant portion of your recovery. They can provide you with specific recommendations during your healing. If you experience any issues after your breast implant surgery, contact your doctor immediately.

Mentor Lifetime Replacement Policy

Your decision to use Mentor breast implants for your breast augmentation is personal and long-lasting. Supporting your decision, Mentor stands behind a lifetime product replacement policy because you may not be able to use breast implants throughout your life.

Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon

  1. How many years has the surgeon been performing breast implant procedures?
  2. How many breast augmentation implantation procedures does the surgeon perform annually?
  3. What are the possible risks and complications associated with breast implant surgery?
  4. What are all the options available for breast augmentation for me?
  5. What shape, size, surface texture, incision site, and placement site are recommended for me?
  6. How will my ability to breastfeed be affected?
  7. What can I expect my implants to look like over time?
  8. Are there before-and-after photos available for me to see?