Burn Treatment
There is no method in medicine to completely eliminate 3rd-degree burn scars. If surgical reduction or minimizing of these scars is possible, it is the preferred choice. Flaps, expanders (tissue-expanding balloons), and grafts can be used for this purpose. In some cases, it may be impossible to apply these treatment methods. The location of the burn, the condition of surrounding tissues, their health, and the extent of the burn are factors that can affect surgery.
In cases where surgery is impossible, improving these scars can be achieved using CO2 and fractional lasers. With a fractional laser, raised scars from the skin can be softened, brought to the level of the skin, and their redness can be corrected. Even mature scars can be improved. This occurs as a result of the laser stimulating collagen and elastic fibers underneath the skin.
Laser treatment is also highly effective in reducing the sequelae caused by burns and in softening grafts. These lasers can be used individually on these scars or in combination. Patients should undergo burn treatment with lasers at least 3 sessions with a one-month interval.”